Peter Buck´s Rickenbacker® 360 JetGlo
Model 360. One perfect body attached to another.
"There was a question awhile back about what type and gauge strings Peter Buck uses on his Rickenbacker 360 JG. My answer was that all I remembered was that it's a rather heavy set. But now here's the definitive answer:
..013 Plain- Swedish Steel
..017 Plain- Swedish Steel
..026 Wound- Nickel Steel
..036 Wound- Nickel Steel
..046 Wound- Nickel Steel
..056 Wound- Nickel Steel
These are Dean Markley individual strings. His guitar (the one with the trucker's playmate sticker on it) is currently here at the factory so that we can set up a new instrument exactly like his old one, using the string set listed above."
[John Hall, 4/14/1999, posted to "alt.guitar.rickenbacker"
Newsgroup]Peter Buck´s Rickenbacker 360
Björn Eriksson and Peter Buck in The House Of Blues, Hollywood, 2006
Courtesy of John Hall at Rickenbacker
©1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Björn Eriksson
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