Rickenbacker® Model 483 (480 with three pickups)

Rickenbacker Model 483 Rickenbacker Model 483

Model 483 (1974)

The model 480 was introduced in 1973, this guitar lasted until the end of 1984. It used the body styling of the 4000 electric bass, with two pickups and a detachable neck. The neck had dot inlays, a bound flat fingerboard. There were separate tone and volume controls for each pickup. The model shown here was available as a special order, known as 483. Wasn´t added to price list until 1980, but existed side by side to the 480. Also this model was dropped from the line of production in 1984.

Rickenbacker Model 483 Rickenbacker Model 483

Rickenbacker Model 483 Rickenbacker Model 483

Rickenbacker Model 483 Rickenbacker Model 483

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Courtesy of Robert Harper

©1999 Björn Eriksson

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